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French Numbers

21 Feb 2008 on Learning

French numerals are same as the English or the American. But for handwriting French numerals is slightly different.

The French write two numbers differently than Anericans do: the number 1 has a little hook on top, which makes it look like a 7. So, to distinguish a 1 from a 7, a line is put through the 7.

Very basic numerals in French

  1. un
  2. deux
  3. trois
  4. quatre
  5. cinq
  6. six
  7. sept
  8. huit
  9. neuf
  10. dix
  11. onze
  12. douze
  13. treize
  14. quatorze
  15. quinze
  16. seize
  17. dix-sept
  18. dix-huit
  19. dix-neuf
  20. vingt
  21. vingt et un