French numerals are same as the English or the American. But for handwriting French numerals is slightly different.
The French write two numbers differently than Anericans do: the number 1 has a little hook on top, which makes it look like a 7. So, to distinguish a 1 from a 7, a line is put through the 7.
Very basic numerals in French
- un
- deux
- trois
- quatre
- cinq
- six
- sept
- huit
- neuf
- dix
- onze
- douze
- treize
- quatorze
- quinze
- seize
- dix-sept
- dix-huit
- dix-neuf
- vingt
- vingt et un
- 30 trente
- 40 quarante
- 50 cinquante
- 60 soixante
- 70 soixante-dix
- 80 quatre-vingts
- 90 quatre-vingt-dix
- 100 cent
- 200 deux cents
- 300 trois cents
- 1000 mille