found an interesting article right here about the 12 different types of difficult clients and how to work with them… and the types of clients are…
- The Low-Tech Client
- The Uninterested Client
- The Hands-On Client
- The Paranoid Client
- The Appreciative Client
- The Get-a- Good-Deal Client
- The I’ll-Know-It -When-I-See-It Client
- The Always-Urgent Client
- The Decision-By- Committee Client
- The Doormat Client
- The Budget Client
- The You-Should- Be-So-Lucky Client
and another similar article points out 5 types of clients we should reject…. and there are 5 types of them…
- I don’t have any money, but this will get you some great exposure!
- I’m not sure what I want, and I won’t pay if I don’t like it
- I have a few other designers in mind, can you create a few mock-ups and maybe I’ll pick you?
- I’m not comfortable with a contract/up-front deposit, can we go without it?
- I thought this was supposed to be coded? I’d like my money back
read more from the links :)