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Day 1 Cracking the CRUD

07 May 2011 on Learning

Hello everyone!

A couple of months ago, when I first started with Rails, I took a loooong time to get all the setup and configuration. So, fret not if this happens to you :) I still have a long way to go, but it seems some of the stuff do get easier! So, let’s see how’s the todo app for now…


  1. Generate controller and model for Task with the functions of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
$ rails generate controller Tasks index edit show new
$ rails generate model Task name:string userid:integer
  1. Remove file public/index.html
  2. Edit routes.rb to connect root to task/index and added general routing
TodoApp::Application.routes.draw do
root :to => "tasks#index"
resources :tasks
  1. Edit tasks\_controller.rb to include index, show, edit, destroy, create, new functions

**Referred tutorials: **

  1. a simple CRUD `. Create a blog with rails

Tools used:

  1. Stackoverflow for many similar questions & their answers
  2. Annonate Gem Rails Plugin to automatically add model comments

Concepts learnt:

  1. CRUD
  2. REST
  3. MVC

Tips & Tricks:

  1. Cut and Paste the error messages into Google or else!!!
  2. Advanced Google Search -> Select Past One Year to ensure latest version answers
  3. When deleting a file, do remove it from git as well
$ git rm file-to-delete.rb

Time Taken: 4 hours [it wasn’t even 4 hours when I first tried following a tutorial! It was around 10 hours :) ]

Fun Stuff completed: Todo now has the functions of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

peer into the code, play with the app

Next Objective: Build a “Done” Column/field for each task with a checkbox to update it’s status when the task is completed!