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12 Habits To Start With

16 Jul 2010 on

layout: post title: 12 habits to start with categories:

Tim Ferris has an amazing list to start with…

  1. Set your 3 MITs (Most Important Tasks) each morning.
  2. Single-task. When you work on a task, don’t switch to other tasks.
  3. Process your inbox to empty.
  4. Check email just twice a day.
  5. Exercise 5-10 minutes a day.
  6. Work while disconnected, with no distractions.
  7. Follow a morning routine.
  8. Eat more fruits and veggies every day.
  9. Keep your desk decluttered.
  10. Say no to commitments and requests that aren’t on your Short List
  11. Declutter your house for 15 minutes a day.
  12. Stick to a 5-sentence limit for emails. title: 12 habits to start with —

Tim Ferris has an amazing list to start with…

  1. Set your 3 MITs (Most Important Tasks) each morning.
  2. Single-task. When you work on a task, don’t switch to other tasks.
  3. Process your inbox to empty.
  4. Check email just twice a day.
  5. Exercise 5-10 minutes a day.
  6. Work while disconnected, with no distractions.
  7. Follow a morning routine.
  8. Eat more fruits and veggies every day.
  9. Keep your desk decluttered.
  10. Say no to commitments and requests that aren’t on your Short List
  11. Declutter your house for 15 minutes a day.
  12. Stick to a 5-sentence limit for emails.

Tim Ferris has an amazing list to start with…

  1. Set your 3 MITs (Most Important Tasks) each morning.
  2. Single-task. When you work on a task, don’t switch to other tasks.
  3. Process your inbox to empty.
  4. Check email just twice a day.
  5. Exercise 5-10 minutes a day.
  6. Work while disconnected, with no distractions.
  7. Follow a morning routine.
  8. Eat more fruits and veggies every day.
  9. Keep your desk decluttered.
  10. Say no to commitments and requests that aren’t on your Short List
  11. Declutter your house for 15 minutes a day.
  12. Stick to a 5-sentence limit for emails.